ONDAMED, et elektromedisinsk apparat/system som er svært aktuelt ved behandling av bl.a. kroniske- og autoimmune sykdommer som osteoporose og revmatoid artritt. ONDAMED er basert på PEMF terapi (Pulserende Elektro Medisinsk Felt).
Om ONDAMED Flex Applicator
Hva er reumatoid artritt?
Ved reumatoid artritt blir leddene smertefulle og hovne. Det skjer fordi immunforsvaret, som vanligvis skal ta seg av mikrober og virus, feilreagerer og angriper kroppens egne celler inne i leddene. Reumatoid artritt kalles leddgikt på norsk, men er ikke det samme som “reumatisme”. Reumatisme er et foreldet uttrykk som har vært brukt om ulike smerter i muskler og ledd uten klar årsak.
Les mer: Helsebiblioteket.no og NHI.no Norsk Helseinformatikk AS
Hva er osteoporose, beinskjørhet?
Beinskjørhet er en endring av beinstruktur med lavere innhold av kalsium enn normalt. Dette gjør beinstrukturen mer skjør, og øker risiko for beinbrudd – hyppigst ses brudd i ryggvirvler, lårhalsbrudd eller underarmsbrudd. Beinskjørhet i seg selv gir ingen plager, det er bruddene som medfører smerter.
Les mer: her
Erfaring har vist at ONDAMED fungerer godt som en selvstendig behandlingsmetode og er velegnet i en kombinasjon med ulike metoder. Du finner artikler, videoer og mye informasjon her: www.ondamed.net og www.balansepluss.no
Bestill din egen ONDAMED® – nye muligheter i din praksis!
Med vennlig hilsen
Erling Vebenstad
Daglig leder og terapeut
Telefon: 413 800 30
e-post: erling.vebenstad@balansepluss.no
Dr Keith R Holden skriver om PEMF therapy and osteoporosis her.
The scientific evidence is accumulating regarding how PEMF therapy may one day gain FDA approval for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.29,30 PEMF therapy improves bone mineral density, increase growth of osteoblasts, and positively influence bone remodeling via cytokines, prostaglandins and cell growth factors.31,32,33,34 In the clinical setting, it is important to document objective measures of improvement based on the therapy chosen. Bone density test scores are used to monitor the response to therapy for osteoporosis and osteopenia over the long term. Over the short term, clinicians can use urine deoxypyridinoline (uDPD) levels to monitor response to therapy. Deoxypyridinoline cross links Type 1 collagen found in bone. In conditions where bone turnover is high, deoxypyridinoline spills into the urine in high levels. As bone turnover decreases, uDPD levels drop. In my preliminary analyses, I find that PEMF therapy lowers uDPD in patients with osteoporosis. In one patient, uDPD decreased by 53% in two months with weekly sessions, and the reduction was sustained with once-monthly sessions. If this finding is reproducible in a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, this would affirm the ability for PEMF therapy to positively impact bone remodeling in osteoporosis.Fig. 1 Conclusion As Abraham Liboff, Ph.D. has so aptly stated “… it is possible to view the living system as an electromagnetic entity, with the response of the system to a given electric or magnetic signal as an outcome expected on the basis of physical law.” PEMF therapy has scientifically documented beneficial effects on multiple biological tissues ranging from bone to brain. The reason for these beneficial effects is because PEMF therapy triggers a cascade of biological processes that supports ailing tissues. Before any chemical or physiologic response is elicited in a biological system, there is always an exchange of energy. The use of specific pulsed electromagnetic frequencies prompts this therapeutic exchange of energy in a safe and cost-effective manner. (Se vedlegg)
– BIO Keith R. Holden, M.D. graduated from Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans in 1992 as a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. He is board certified in Internal Medicine, and practices Functional Medicine in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. Dr. Holden has been studying and using pulsed electromagnetic field therapy and microcurrent therapy in his practice since 2008. Dr. Holden is a member of The Institute for Functional Medicine. Keith R. Holden, M.D.